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Monday, August 16, 2010

Family Dollar Deals - 8-16-10

Here are some deals at FD right now:

Scrubbing Bubbles marked down to $2 each.
Use $1 off coupon found here = new price $1 each (print twice!)

All 2x Oxi Detergent is regular $5.
Use the $1.50 off FD coupon found here or in store ad AND
use the $1.00 off found here = new price $2.50 each

41 oz Downey Fabric Softener - $4.00
Use the $2 off from S inserts = new price $2

Hefty Trash Bags - $4.50
Use $1 off some of the packages = new price $3.50

Charmin Wipes - clearanced $1.50 & $1.20
Use $1 off from free sample

There are sign up forms for FD coupons and discounts at the register.

Enjoy and remember to keep it simple, Ginger