Wanted to repost this (with edits) so everyone will know more about this blog. Please let me know if there is anything that would help you and your family. Why do I keep saying "keep it simple"?
Well, one thing I noticed from some of the GREAT blogs and websites out there is LONG lists of EVERYTHING on sale w/coupons to match, etc...GREAT RESOURCES. However.....
I found myself spending so much time reading lists and then, when I would go to my coupon stash, I would not have half of the coupons listed because of the different areas or I might have already used that coupon. Sometimes the store in our area would not carry that item, etc..
So, I found it much easier to just get the ad myself, circle the items I was interested in and THEN making sure I did not miss something or to see if there were any printable coupons that I might could use. Much more simple and less time consuming for me.
I really did not need those lists of everything on sale (I had the ads) --- I just really needed ideas on how to use some of the specials and how it all worked.
So, when I say keep it simple, I want to do that with my posts. I hope I am giving ideas and info that will inspire you to get out your ads and see what is going to work for you. You are not going to find a list of every coupon that could be used with the sale on this blog. I hope to post things that stand out to me or that I think most of us would use. I will also posts some of my shopping trips (good and bad) so you can get an idea of how it all works.
Most of my posts will be based on S inserts (Sunday newspaper coupons) and internet printables. And, most posts will be for what is going on in the Semmes/Wilmer/Citronelle area and will not include Target, Walgreens, Publix, etc. If I lived closer, however......:o)
There are some great links to those blogs at my site if you want to match those stores.
I would love to hear how some of you shop and any ideas you have for this blog.
Praying this blog helps you and your family, Ginger