Every year at this time things seem to happen all at once.
Next weekend, we will be celebrating the RESURRECTION of our Lord, Jesus Christ; taking a family trip to the beach and celebrating Kasey's birthday while there.
How does someone do all this on (1) income and
one-fourth of that income right now?
I don't know!!!!!! but I have to. So here is the plan so far......
We have rented (1) condo and will pile in together (5) adults and (5) kids. Cost only ($65 per family)
We will cook all the meals --- each family will provide (1) main meal for a day. Snacks and sandwiches between.
We are planning (1) outing, which is going to be putt-putt this year. We spend most of our time playing games and enjoying the beach.
Now, here is the Saving From The Heart part::Coupons found for Putt Putt here. Kids play FREE with (1) paying adult.
(5) adults pay (5) kids FREE!!!
Pirate Island Putt Putt has a
FREE picnic area, see
here. Perfect for a birthday party while we play.
I am going to make a dirt-cake found
here in a pot (Kasey wants gardening stuff, go figure) - this will give her a pot and will decorate the cake too. Add some gummie worms and she will be happy!! I have a
$4 off $20 purchase at CVS & a $3 ECB from last week, so I will probably check out their items for what I need. I will post my purchases so we can see how I did.
I found a nice table cloth on clearance for $1.25, add some Vanity Fair napkins and plates that I can use
coupons with AND get a rebate on here. (Vanity Fair napkins on sale at Walmart for $1.97 --- see
Corndogs with chips and dip are on the menu ------- EASY AND SIMPLE!!!
Throw some drinks in a cooler of ice and voila!!!! We have a very frugal birthday party blowout, family vacation time and then we get to come home and celebrate the provider of ALL THINGS, the LORD, JESUS CHRIST!!!!
I would love to hear some ways that you plan when you have several things to do and need to save money????
Just making these plans is getting me so excited. I can't wait for Easter Sunday!!!! Yay!!!
Praying for everyone to have a blessed week in the Lord, Ginger